Friday, May 14, 2010

Learning Disabilities

Dear Stephen Fry (two of my personal favorite ABOFAL sketches here and here) posted a link on Twitter to a charity dedicated to removing the stigma from people with "learning disabilities".  Not his phrase, they use it on their website.  In fact, as an Aspie married to a clinically depressed dyscalculeic, I wholeheartedly support their mission and encourage you to support it.  However, as I have Tweeted before, the phrase "learning disability" really pisses me off.

Allow me to explain.  There's a reason autistic people are no longer called "mentally retarded".  It's because research has shown that often people on the autistic spectrum, particularly those with Asperger's Syndrome, have IQs well above-average.  (Insert your own comment about how IQ tests are negatively biased against the neurodiverse here.  Think about it, who writes them?)  Our brains are wired differently than is neurotypical, true, but it does not mean we are disabled.  Does it mean that we process things differently than 99.99% of the population?  Yes.  Does it mean that, as a teacher, you may have to use *shock* a different teaching strategy for these kids?  Yes, yes it does. 

Here's what I really want to say to my neurodiverse brothers and sisters, whether you are on the autistic spectrum or are dyslexic or dyscalculeic or dysnumeric or dysgraphic, etc.:

Your mental faculty is a gift. 

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  While the neurotypical are a homogenous bunch and tend to produce homogenous thoughts, we are the ones thinking differently.  The truly great, bizarre ideas will come from our heads, because they are not restricted to the narrow, stereotyped patterns of the majority. 

Learn to use your gift.  There will be obstacles, I won't lie to you.  It will be hard.  You may have to figure out how to teach yourself, I did.  But the rewards are worth it.  There are people who will love you for who you are, don't hide it.  If you do, you will be miserable (ask me how I know this).

Oh, and in case Stephen Fry ever reads this:  my name is Agatha.  Yes, I am named after her.

Aspie Regiment

Just a follow-up on my previous post. 

Mr. Burton successfully earmarked $2,000,000 for the Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center.  I have issues with the word "treatment" with regards to autism in much the same way I do with dyslexia being a "learning disability".  Just because your brain is wired differently than "normal" doesn't mean there's something wrong with you.   OK, so good, he got money for autism research.  You might reasonably think I'm in favor of that.  Except, you'd be wrong, because he snuck it into a defense bill.  Specifically the part for "Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation"

Um, what?

How does that belong in a bill that also provides for research into *checks* alternative engine and advanced hypersonic weapons development?  There are two possibilities here, as I see it.  One, Dan Burton (unethically) got a $2M grant shoved into a completely unrelated appropriations bill for his pet issue.  Or, two, scientists are planning on turning the autistic into supersoldiers.  A congressman porkbarreling is unheardof, so I lean towards the latter being the case.

I have to say that the idea on the surface has some merits.  Let's see:  

  • follows directions meticulously
  • likes structure
  • emotionally uninvolved
  • doesn't panic
Except, I know this won't work.  We're not robots.  Sure, our rifles would be obsessively well-maintained, but actually every autistic person I've ever met doesn't like to kill anything.  I just went on a run and tried to step over bugs.  Also, I'm pretty sure something like this would happen.

"Johnson, Murphy, get your asses over there and lay down some covering fire!  Move it, ladies!"
*Johnson and Murphy stand there*
"What are you waiting for?"
"You said for the ladies to move it over there, Sarge."
"I meant you two, move it!"
*pling* "Uh, OK, Sarge ... Murphy hold up a minute, I've got some sand in the receiver, I need to clean it out."
"What are you two DOING?"
"Making sure my weapon functions optimally, Sarge."

You see the problem. So, no Aspie supersoldiers, please.  Just put us in charge of logistics, and all will be well.  I say this as a former ROTC cadet.